Tuesday 20 June 2017


Hello, fellow bloggers today I recently start my own blog for the purpose of summarizing every topic that I have recently learned during my lectures with my fundamental English lecturer, Miss Valerie.

Last week, my lecturer gave us a task to just review from our understanding on "Why is Academic Writing so Academic? " by Joshua Rothman and base from my understanding, the review was mainly about the truth of the writing needed to be supported with actual evidence that which can persuade by others. Other than that, there is another task which is " Why students struggle with writing? " by Roger Graves and base on my understanding, the review was mainly about how important is writing to us when we pursue our dreams. It is to test our knowledge to support our writing and our grammatic error which students nowadays have always been a trouble of trying to get used too.

Today our lectures was focusing mainly on ''What is Academic Writing?'' and have been given a simple way to understand which is called DEBT. D is stands for Discipline-specific which is define as a set of understandings that is more than broad knowledge of a field, rather, it is the sort of knowledge that is specific to the discipline or profession and define a specialist in the area. It is also can be agree by readers.

Other than that, E is stands for Evidence-based can be supported by verifiable facts, figures and other knowledge. They are also statements that should be supported by relevant and need to be examples from the real world and needed to be clearly documented.

Furthermore, B is stands for balance which show range of background reading through a particular issue, statements and assertions based on logical reasoning.

Lastly, T is for truthful which is need to be accurate, reliable, citations should be given for sources and ideas that had been find, any conclusion need to have an analysis of data presented. Last but not least assignment should be perform honesty and with integrity.


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