Wednesday, 26 July 2017



Anyoumous. (2016-2017). Retrieved June 28, 2017, from about-OCD:

Anyoumous. (1995, June 5). Roane State Community College. Retrieved June 28, 2017, from OWL:

Clark, D. A., & Radomsky, A. S. (2014). A global perspective on unwanted intrusive thoughts. Obsessive- Compulsive and Related Disorder ,

Fern, A. (2015, May 19). Off the Grid. Retrieved June 28, 2017, from elitedaily:

Mang'eli, I. (2016). Anyoumous. Retrieved June 28, 2017, from capitalfm:
Peter, B. (Director). (2016). Deepwater Horizon [Motion Picture].

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Task 5: Argumentative Essay “Does freedom of speech give people the right to use hate speech?”


        “People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use”, Soren Kierkegaard . This quote reflects the present day reality perfectly. As people want to have the right to say whatever they want and not be accounted for it, they do want not to take any responsibility and burden for what they might have said.

      Freedom of speech reinforces all other human rights, thus it allows society to develop and increase their progress in a constant rate. The ability to state opinion and speak freely is an advantage for any change in society. Throughout the history, society evolved thanks to the individuals, great thinkers, courageous leaders, who were not scared to express their beliefs. At the old days, those beliefs that were contrary to the typical “mindset” would be considered as hate, hatred towards their way of life, culture and tradition. The most reputable professors, experts and campaigners use free speech as to fight for the change, for better future.

     Besides that, free speech also essential due to the ability to hear others and be heard at the same time. Apart where we giving our own opinion, we also need to hear from other people’s view as well. Unfortunately, one of the biggest problems of our society is that people rarely listen to others and ignores their opinions base on certain topics if they do not agree with them. We should feel comfortable exchanging ideas and thoughts with those who have opposing views. By doing this, expects say it can reduce “hate speech” circling ground.

     Furthermore, we hear or read the term “hate speech” regularly, especially now with the easy internet access and numerous media websites to join. It comes as no wonder why offended comments and expressing negative ideas are considered a threat to the publicities. A lot people are anti-semitic, anti-muslim, anti-christianity, and so on. Those who assume hate speech is not a freedom of speech but primarily, focusing on expression of negative attitude towards certain people and ideas. However, if we start banning people from expressing their beliefs, then what comes next? After one thing, there always comes another end, eventually, the mankind would live in fear of saying anything that might put a threat in humanity. In reality, society has become over sensitive, everything one does not agree with is considered insulting and labelled it as hate.

     Finally, freedom of speech is important for human rights that every individual has the right to speech out. This freedom comes with the ability to express one’s ideas or opinions, regardless of its nature good or bad. What society now need are limitations of free speech but making effort to establish dialogues between people with conflicting belief may be a little tricky. Overall, we need to listen and be heard to gain something and with that, we can go a long way and even could build bridges instead of destroying them.

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Task 4: Expository Essay “What does it mean to be OCD? How can you recognize it? How can it be overcome?

       Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is mental health disorder that affect people of all ages and walks of life, and occurs when a person get caught in a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. Meaning Obsessions are unwanted thought, image or urges that trigger intensely distressful feelings. On the other hand, compulsions are behaviours an individual engages in to attempt to get rid of the obsessions and decrease his or her distress.

        Most people have obsessive thought and compulsive behaviours at some point in their lives, but that does not mean that we all have “OCD”. In order for a diagnosis of obsessions and compulsions becomes so extreme that it consumes a lot of time and gets in the way of value of the person important activities. Example of what having OCD is like, you might recognize that the fear does not make any sense and does not seem reasonable, yet it still feels very real, intense and true.

        We can recognize OCD by this type of common obsession like contamination. Example of contamination obsession is addicted to household chemicals such as cleaner solvents. Obsession sometime may lose control of oneself. Example of losing their control is feared of violent or horrific images in one’s mind. Other common obsession is fear of hurting others because of not being careful enough. For example, the person is dropping something on the ground and fear that might cause someone to slip and hurt him or herself.

       Furthermore, we can recognize OCD by these common compulsions is through washing and cleaning. For example, the person intends to do something else to prevent or remove contact with contaminants. Besides that, other common compulsion is the person will feel insecure of him or herself and will always checking parts of their physical condition or body. Compulsion can be include a person counting while performing a task to end on a “good”, “right” or “safe” number. Other compulsion involved avoiding situations that might trigger oneself obsession.

       The best way to overcome common obsessions and compulsion are through meeting a group of supportive people which they can help your OCD and related disorder. This support group offered individual with the disorder, in addition to their family, loved ones, and care givers. They will hear you out on every single worries or unsecure thoughts that might “pop” in your mind and they will try to make you turn your thought from negative minded to positive minded.

        In conclusion, we all need to support common obsessions and compulsion awareness for people who needed support from others and it may changes the thought of others into more healthier minded for brighter future.

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Task 3: Expository Essay “What do you have to do to win a campus election?”

        Every campus had an election during campaign season. What do you do to get attract to other students? Here are some strategies which can win votes of students across the campus. This tactics include extravagant parties and free merchandise with the effort that you put can go along when it comes to earn more votes.

         First of all, when it comes to campaign for student leadership it is important to maintain your integrity and be genuine in what you are doing. You can win voter over with your personality. The more the real you can be may indicate of what kind of a leader you would be which will make the student population to like you.

         Secondly, although the campaign trail is difficult as candidates complete for the top positions, it is always important to bring some happiness to neutralize the situation. Thus, be fun to every student in campus. It should be noted that is a delicate balance to achieve; keeping it light and calm can make your campaign different and unique.

        Thirdly, always put in mind that money is no object. Do not ever throw money at students in the hopes that they would give you their vote is an archaic campaign strategy. Be smart and use social media to transform the competitive campaign and saving it your favour. Discuss issues on platform like Twitter and “Face book” and create your strategy based on student needs.

        Last but not least, be inclusive by including minority groups as part of your manifesto can make all the difference. A plan that encompasses all groups of people like university athletes, studious students and artists can give you a big win. A part from that, it is important not over promise and under deliver to avoid future misunderstandings.

        In conclusion, we should fully prepare on what is about to happen during the election and try your best to predict and satisfied every students needs. Plus, be kind and understanding leader to the students who are willing to vote for you and who see your potentialities in becoming their leader.

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Task 2: Cause and Effect Essay “How travelling the world affects life and personality”

        Travelling is one of the activities that most people would be loved to do. Who does not want to travel to unfamiliar places while discovering new amazing culture? Who would not want to explore breath taking sight-seeing for new places? For those who like to travel, did you know long term adventures can change your personality?

       Two researchers Franz Neyer and Dr. Julia Zimmerman can prove just in a paper establish in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. They studied two groups of German college students and assign group one to study abroad for two to three semesters while the other group stay in their hometown. The goals are to indicate “how this period of extended travel influenced personality, as well as how the new social network people developed influenced any observed personality changes”. During that period of time, participant was required to take a test that measured the “Big Five” personality aspect: Willing to experience, agreeableness, extraversion, emotional stability and conscientiousness. When those students travelled back to their hometown, they were to take the same test again and the results were compared.

        The results will amaze you as the students who study aboard scored higher in extraversion and high engagement when it comes to social interaction, as opposed to these who stayed in their hometown. Also, in comparison to those who did not travel scored higher in willing to experience, conscientiousness, emotional stability and agreeableness. So how can travelling actually affect your personality?

         Firstly, personality changes when you start to look at life from entirely different vantage points. When you stay to long in one place for extended period of time, you begin to take the simple things for granted. It is different when you travel, it makes you realize the things you deal with everyday, such as brushing your teeth and taking the elevator to your apartment, are actually blessings.

        Secondly, travelling abroad can make you completely removed and free yourself from comfort zone. The quickest way to get out of your comfort zone is to get away from wherever you are and adapt yourself in a completely different culture. Watching the way people interact or greet to one another and breath taking land surrounding them is an eye opening experience that can only be done in person. We should stop living life through the lens and get out there, and see it with your own eyes and experience it.

         Thirdly, unexpectedly you will be more open to meeting and making friends with new people easier. Travelling abroad is avoidable to meet new people as you will have to put up some courage to ask to know places and directions. It is live his or her life in comparison to your life. Researchers stated that “the more the travellers engaged with new people from different countries, the more that promoted goals related willing to experience.”

         Last be not least, gaining a new perspective on life, will lead to learning about the huge difference between “Face book” friends and real friends. When you are travelling and meeting so many people over the span of so many new places, it’s basically impossible to keep up with whatever your friends are doing back home. This is not to say you do not care for them but your current situation is tailored to the new friends you are making.

          In conclusion, it does not matter where you are or where you are from, what is important is that every day we learn new things, experience new situation and meet up with new friends. We should appreciate and cherish every moments in our life and live life to the fullest.

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Task 1: Descriptive Writing "The Influence of my favourite movie or book on me"


           The most influence me of becoming more interested about Safety and Health Officer is when a movie I watch last year called the "Deepwater Horizon". A short summary about the whole movie, April 20, 2010 the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explodes in the Gulf of Mexico, igniting a massive fireball that kills several crew members. Chief electronics technician Mike William and his colleagues find themselves fighting for survival as the heat and flames become stifling and overwhelming. Banding together, the co-workers must use their wits to make it out alive amid all the chaos.

          The story line of the movie made me realize on how important is the safety and health and welfare of the workers who work on the oil platform. To those who was wondering what oil platform means, it is a large structure used to house workers and machinery needed to drill and then produce oil and natural gas in the ocean. Oil platform is located in the sea away from coast and was named an offshore oil rig. These are the summary and I will you the reason why I like the about the movie.

           Firstly, readiness is important and to be more fully aware of one situation by scanning every task that is given to you. This moral value made me realize that we should be always expected the unexpected to prepare ourselves from any incident or accident that might happen. The part where they just reach the oil platform, the safety and health officer, Jimmy Harrell immediately wanted a full status report of the current situation on the offshore oil rig.

           Secondly, preparedness of receiving a job task is another one that made me reflect on what my current situation which unable to perform well in my assignment that my lecturer has assign me but after seeing Mike William done his job without hesitation and even done the job by reporting the malfunction or broken machine immediately to the safety and health officer. It made me realize that the moment you receive a job task or any immediate and important things, be sure to finish it in no time because we never notice time or when the job task needed to be seen or pass up.

            Thirdly, be brave in whatever situation that might comes in your way. Mike William was brave and courageous when he saves Jimmy Harrell and his colleagues that have been struck by accidents during the rig explodes. Mike William just charge in to the flames without hesitation and try to locate every possible colleague who might be caught up with accidents.

             Lastly, never leave your colleague behind and try to convince them even though the odds are little. Mike William convinced his colleague, Andrea Fleytas to jump with him to save both of them from getting roasted by the flames. They both jump and reach to safety where all of their colleagues gathered in a rescue ship.

             Overall, I am glad the story line was brilliant and made me understand how essential it is to always be readiness, preparedness, brave and to never leave your friends or colleagues behind. It was an eye opening to me where the responsibilities of an occupational safety ad health officer played an important role in any possibility of incidents and accidents that may occur.

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